During my recent ministry trip to Kashmir, we had to change destinations one day because the Indian Army was engaging some terrorists in the very village we were heading to. An impromptu stop at another village got our Team an invite into the home of two influential land owner brothers who were Muslim. (That is why we work in Kashmir: To reach the Muslims for Christ.) After tea and a tour of some of their 2,000 acres, Kelu was invited back to speak about the work of 2wells.
The date to return was set for June 1st, and as Kelu and I ended that day, we prayed together. I asked God to give us that village for Christ...
On June 1st Kelu returned to the village. He relates, "Our meeting today was very good. They listened to the words of our Lord Jesus very well. I started with a prayer. As they listened to me well, we had answers to many of their questions, and I had no difficulty in answering because of your prayers. Because God was with me, those people were very happy."
Kelu was invited to come back two weeks later, with the stipulation that if he could answer more questions from the brothers, they would commit to Christ. Kelu and I began to pray into the second meeting. Here is what transpired...
Kelu writes: Thank God that everything went well. The work was more than our hope, indeed, God fulfills it in his appointed time. In this way, God blessed our hard work with His fruits and blessings. Some people refused, and some people accepted God's Words. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all these things. You will not believe the good news that I will tell you: 45 people accepted the Lord Jesus Christ! All this is the effect of your prayers (from the end of our first day in that village). May you always pray for all of us!
It gets better. Kelu wrote in an email a few days later: Today again seven companions of this group accepted Jesus Christ. In this way seven people were added to the family of Jesus. (Since then) many people are calling me and inviting me to their homes. I thank God for giving me a loving and always praying brother like you. May Lord Jesus Christ bless you with his blessings and may your shadow be always on our heads.
This is HUGE among Muslims! Usually our work is slow: through relationships and reputation. This friends, is a move of God! I am simply a man who believes in the Power of the Holy Spirit. As my wife is fond of saying, "When Brad goes to India, God does miracles, and he gets to watch!"