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COVID Wreaks Havoc In India

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

The situation in India is bleak, but the Kingdom of God is expanding...

I know you have seen news reports of the huge increase of COVID cases and deaths in India. Our Believers in Kashmir are reporting the same news with a personal perspective. Kelu recently wrote in an email, "The situation of Kashmir is very critical. Every day here is only counting of dead bodies due to this pandemic in which five of our brothers have died due to this COVID. I am very helpless this time. We are not able to help these families; their children are hungry due to the curfews and lockdowns."

But, our Believers are doing what they can, distributing rice, flour, facemasks, and medical supplies when not restricted by lockdowns. 2wells is sending monthly support to help purchase these important supplies. Also, because of the generosity of one of our families who support 2wells, we were able to purchase two cows for two of our families. A cow produces enough milk to feed a family of four. This frees the father to minister full-time.

Kelu also writes, "7 more Brothers accept Jesus Christ in month of March!" So in spite of the hardship, the Kingdom of God continues to grow! Thank you for your prayers, and investment into the ministry of 2wells!

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